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Challenges and responses of feed crushing equipment: Diversity of physical and mechanical properties of materials

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In the feed processing industry, feed crumbling equipment plays a vital role. However, this link is not static. Different types of feed raw materials bring different challenges and opportunities to the crushing process due to their unique physical and mechanical properties. From brittleness to toughness, from fibrousness to hardness, these properties not only shape the essential characteristics of the material, but also directly determine its performance and difficulty in the crushing process.

Diversity of physical and mechanical properties of materials
The diversity of feed raw materials is reflected in their wide range of physical and mechanical properties. Concentrated feed represented by corn and sorghum, with its high starch content and crispy structure, has become a "soft persimmon" that is relatively easy for feed crumbling equipment to handle. When subjected to external forces, this type of material is easy to break into small pieces, thus ensuring the efficient operation and high processing capacity of the equipment.

However, when faced with materials with high cellulose content such as bran and rice husks, and roughage with high crude fiber content such as vines, the situation becomes complicated. These materials have a tough structure and the internal fibers are intertwined, making the crushing process difficult. The equipment needs to consume more energy to overcome the binding force between materials, and also needs to deal with possible blockage and return problems, which undoubtedly reduces the processing capacity and efficiency of the equipment.

Challenges and responses of feed crumbling equipment
Faced with feed raw materials with different physical and mechanical properties, feed crumbling equipment faces huge challenges. In order to overcome these challenges, equipment manufacturers and users need to take a series of measures to optimize the crushing process.

Choosing the right crushing equipment is crucial. For materials with high cellulose content and tough structure, equipment with stronger crushing capacity and anti-clogging design should be selected. These equipment are usually equipped with sharper blades, larger crushing chambers, and more efficient screening systems to ensure that the materials can be fully crushed and discharged smoothly.

Adjust equipment parameters to meet the needs of different materials. By changing the parameters of the crusher such as the speed, hammer arrangement, and screen aperture, the crushing effect can be optimized and the processing capacity of the equipment can be improved. For example, increasing the speed can improve the crushing efficiency, but it may also cause overheating or increased wear of the material; while adjusting the hammer arrangement can help improve the distribution and crushing effect of the material.

Pretreatment is also one of the important means to improve crushing efficiency. For materials with high moisture content or particularly tough structure, drying or crushing pretreatment can be performed before crushing to reduce their viscosity and cohesion, making them easier to crush. This not only improves the processing capacity of the equipment, but also reduces energy consumption and wear.

Different types of feed raw materials bring different challenges to feed crumbling equipment due to their unique physical and mechanical properties. However, by selecting suitable equipment, adjusting equipment parameters, and performing pretreatment, we can effectively meet these challenges and improve the processing capacity and efficiency of the equipment. In the future development, with the continuous advancement and innovation of technology, we have reason to believe that feed crumbling equipment will serve the feed processing industry more intelligently and efficiently.

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