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The art of temperature and humidity: Nutritional protection in pet food extruders

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In the production process of pet food, the control of temperature and humidity is not only the adjustment of process parameters, but also a deep concern for the health and well-being of pets. As the core equipment in this production process, the pet food extruder, with its advanced temperature control system and fine humidity management, ensures that the nutrients of the raw materials are retained and stabilized to the maximum extent during the processing.

Temperature control: precise protection of nutritional activity
The temperature control system equipped with the pet food extruder is the crystallization of modern technology. This system can monitor and accurately adjust the temperature of the heating device in real time to ensure that the raw materials are softened, mixed and extruded within an appropriate range. This process is like the control of the heat in cooking, which is neither too strong to avoid burning the ingredients, nor too weak to cause the food to be half-cooked. For pet food, too high a temperature may cause some heat-sensitive nutrients such as vitamins, enzymes and some proteins to degrade or lose activity, thereby reducing the nutritional value of the food. On the contrary, the appropriate temperature can promote the uniform heating of the raw materials, so that the nutrients can be stably retained under mild conditions. Therefore, the accuracy of temperature control is directly related to the quality and nutritional value of pet food.

Humidity control: balancing moisture and nutrition
Humidity management is just as important as temperature control. In the pet food extrusion process, humidity regulation is directly related to the softening degree of raw materials, mixing uniformity, and the taste and texture of the final product. By precisely controlling the amount of steam added, production personnel can flexibly adjust the humidity of the raw materials to achieve the best processing state. Appropriate moisture content helps to fully soften and evenly mix the raw materials, so that the nutrients can be better distributed throughout the product. However, too high a moisture content may become a hidden danger of nutrient loss or deterioration. Excessive moisture not only increases the water activity of the product and promotes the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, but may also cause dilution or hydrolysis of nutrients, thereby reducing the nutritional value of the food. Therefore, precise control of humidity has become an indispensable part of pet food production.

Comprehensive regulation: dual guarantee of nutrition and quality
In actual production, the control of temperature and humidity often requires mutual cooperation and synergy. On the one hand, through the precise regulation of the temperature control system, it can ensure that the raw materials are processed at an appropriate temperature; on the other hand, through the fine regulation of humidity management, the processing performance of the raw materials can be further optimized and the stability of the nutrients can be protected. This comprehensive control method not only improves the production efficiency and product quality of pet food, but also reflects the producers' deep understanding and respect for the health and nutritional needs of pets.

Temperature and humidity control in pet food extruders is the key to ensuring the stability of food nutrients. Through advanced temperature control systems and sophisticated humidity management methods, producers can ensure that raw materials are properly handled during processing and retain their rich nutritional value. This is not only a reflection of a responsible attitude towards the health and well-being of pets, but also an important guarantee for the continued healthy development of the pet food industry.

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